Connected Customer & Vendor Accounts Connected Transactions & Documents.Send. Receive. Verify. Update Accounts.Real Time Transaction AlertsInstant Account Reconciliation

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accountect overview
dots image
connected invoice
Connected Invoices

Interactive Invoices

Send and receive Invoices. Collaborate in real-time. Accept and reject as appropriate. Track Payments and the Status of each invoice.

connected bills
Connected Bills

Purchase & Expense Bills

Create Purchase and Expense Bills instantly by accepting Invoices. Easily track pending Bills and update your accounts automatically.

connected estimates
Connected Estimates

Connected Estimates

Send and receive real-time estimates instantly and validate them with e-signatures and stamps.

connected orders
Connected Purchase and Sales Orders

Purchase & Sales Order

Streamline the purchase and sale process by creating, approving, and tracking purchase and sales orders.

connected packing slips
Connected Packing Slip

Connected Packing Slip

Create packing slips for all product dispatches and receive delivery confirmation from customers.

connected returns
Connected Returns

Purchase & Sales Return

Create and send Purchase Returns or Expense Returns to vendors and automatically adjust accounts and inventory.

A Connected Marketplace and Order Book

Showcase products and services to customers

online store

Order directly from vendors. Collaborate on orders through Comments and Request discounts.

connected market orders

View real-time pricing and stock availability.

real time information

Automate invoicing, billing, and inventory updates for every order.

automated accounting

Inventory Management

Keep track of inventory in real-time and receive low-stock alerts.

inventory products

List all services.


Create a bundle by combining different items in pre-determined proportions and automate inventory management.

inventory bundles

Select a suitable method for automatically adjusting the stock levels.

fifo lifo

A Dynamic Sales Journal

Check the Sales Journal to view all sales, generate reports, and analyze patterns.

Sales Receipts

Create sales receipts for one-time customers or create a single daily sales receipt to record total daily sales.

sales journal
sales reports

An Interactive Purchase Journal

Record all Purchases and Returns in the Purchase Journal.

Purchase Bill Summary

View all payments and transactions related to a Purchase Bill.

purchase journal
purchase bill summary

Closely Track All Your Spending

Create expense bills and receipts. Track expenses in the Expense Journal and generate reports.

Expense Categories

Categorize expenses into different categories to analyze spending patterns.

expense categories
expense journal

One-way Accounts

Generate a shareable link to give business partners real-time access to their account information.

public view

Create accounts for business partners not on Accountect. Invite them to connect in real-time.

add customers vendors

Create sleek professional documents and transactions, and share them via email or a public link.

one-way transactions

Send Payment Reminders to improve collections.

payment reminders


Generate 60+ Accounting reports.



Get a complete overview of entire business.



Validate documents by using e-signatures and stamps.

cloud drive

Cloud Drive

Store all Accountect documents on cloud drive.

pre-defined user roles

Pre-defined Roles

Manage Permissions of each team member

document series

Document Series

Create a Customized Document Numbering Series.



Create a secure backup of all account data.

account deletion

Account Deletion

Permanently delete Accountect account.

Get Answers To Common Questions About Accountect

What problem does Accountect solve?

Accountect is a Connected Accounting platform that connects vendors and customers to collaborate seamlessly in real-time. This allows for sharing transactions and documents, instant account updation, and account reconciliation. This workflow automation saves significant work hours and enhances operational efficiency.

Why should I switch to Accountect?

Consider switching to Accountect for easier connectivity and collaboration with your customers and vendors. This will increase transparency and save hundreds of billable accounting hours per month.

Can I access mobile APP with a free account?

Our beautiful mobile apps are available to both free and paid users alike. In addition, the mobile applications offer the same features as the web version.

Is it possible to receive payments directly from my customers through Accountect?

We are currently an accounting software, but in the future, we will be working on implementing a feature that enables direct payments between customers and vendors.

What is Accountect's Pricing?

Accountect offers a premium cloud-based accounting software at an affordable price. Limited use of Accountect is free each month, while our PRO plan costs only $8.34 per month.